Friday, June 23, 2006

Sourdough Joe, Dawson City

Sourdough Joe's restaurant is located on Dawson City's first lot.
August 1896, just after the historic Bonanza creek gold strike, prospector Joe Ladue staked not a claim, but a whole town site.
Joe Ladue sold lots for only $5.00 in the winter of 1896, but by the next summer he was getting $8000.00 for them. Dawson City's population grew from 25 to 5000 in less than a year. Within 2 years, the population exploded to 40000, making it the biggest Western Canadian city.

In 1897, Joe Ladue's home was also Dawson City's first saloon. At the height of the Gold Rush, $5.00 in Dawson City got you a plate of beans and bread with stewed apples and a cup of coffee. A meal costing $2.50 in Dawson City cost only $0.15 in Seattle Washington. 8000 people left Dawson in 1899, when the Gold Rush ended. Joe went back to New York a rich man.
Prices are still a little inflated here as 2 orders with 2 pieces fish and chips with 2 coffees come to $33 and change. We do not think that just because it was Yukon King Salmon that the price was justified.


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