Scenic - quiet - MOUNTAIN SHADOW RV park.

The condition of the Cassiar highway improved as we traveled south from Jade City. After a full day of travel we arrived at Mountain Shadow RV park. It was a tough road and we were happy to put the legs of the RV (and ours) on the ground. The only sound we could hear was the wind in the trees. Later we heard a couple of owls.
This is by far the most isolated area in which we have traveled. We drove for miles without seeing any activity of any kind. It was a good plan to stock on groceries at Costco in Anchorage. There are signs on the highway telling you to make sure you have enough fuel for the next 150 km.
It should be noted that we were told that a lot of wildlife could be seen while driving the highway. We saw 1 fox, a ground squirrel and 3 bears disappearing into the woods. Does the ground squirrel count as wild life?
The owners of the RV park had seen a wolf earlier in the day.

Ruth is enjoying the view.
Note her new Jade earrings. All we wanted to spend on jade was LIFESAVER size.
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