The village of Baddeck

After a restful morning, we drove and walked the streets of Baddeck. In spite of the presence of many large, magnificent Inns, outdoor cafes, advertised kayak trips and inviting B&B's we did not see many other tourists.
It appears that Baddeck is a stopping point while en route to and from Newfoundland or the Cabot Trail Tourist Areas.
It appears that Baddeck is a stopping point while en route to and from Newfoundland or the Cabot Trail Tourist Areas.
Beginning in New Brunswick and continuing through Nova Scotia multi coloured Lupins could be seen growing wild along the roads. Beautiful...
"The traveler sees what he sees.
The tourist sees what he has come to see"
The tourist sees what he has come to see"
G. K. Cherterton
This appropriate quote is from The Newfoundland/Labrador Tourist Guide.

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