Susie's Cafe

From Bonavista we took a day trip down the west side of the peninsula visiting the little coves along the way. We went off the main road to check out Duntara. We had noticed Susie's Cafe on the way out and on our return trip we stopped in for lunch. This very small restaurant specializes in traditional Newfoundland food. That day Jannich tried Fish n Brewis and Ruth had Cod au Gratin. For dessert we tried their wonderful homemade blueberry cheesecake and blueberry puff. We are both having a bit of trouble with the high amount of salt in the main courses and the very sweet desserts we are served.
The flipper pie we bought at BIDGOOD'S store earlier on our trip was cooked in our RV one evening while we were at Belleview Beach. The odour of it cooking was unusual so we decided to give the pie to our neighbours at the camp, who were from Newfoundland. They told us that seal is an acquired taste. We probably will not acquire it. The server at Susie's cafe told us that the people ate seal out of necessity but they prefer steak and pork chops when given the choice.
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Hi Ruth and Jannich
I was so sorry to have missed you when you made your little side trip to Duntara. I had taken my kids to St. John's for some back to school shopping. I am thoroughly enjoying reading your blog and hope you are loving your time in our beautiful little province of Newfoundland. Hugs, Gail
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