Tropical storm Chantal
Monday and Tuesday July 29 and 30th severe winds brew across the inlet at Bellevue beach. Tuesday night and Wednesday were a night and day of steady rainfall. Our RV was surrounded by huge puddles and a ditch full of water. They were large enough to have waves and a current. Our TV reception was limited so on Thursday we decided to find out what had occurred.

Six nearby towns had declared a "State of emergency" as they were cut off by severe wash-outs. 184 mm of rain fell on Dunnville and Placentia in a twelve hour period.
The ferry from Sidney NS to Argentia NL was re-routed for 2 days as there was a very limit way in and out of this coastal area.
Many asphalt driveways looked as though they had been picked up and shaken like a rug leaving drainage pipes and boulders strewn about.

As one can see in the photos the water is still swirling and boiling through these small villages. The houses are perched on the side of rocky areas leading down to the shore and water makes its own route....

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