Nashville TN.... and still cold...
On Saturday Dec. 3 we had planned to take in the Christmas parade in downtown Lexington. It was advertised as the largest parade in the state of KY. However in the AM we decided that 9 AM was too early to be downtown.
At noon we visited an architually pleasing modern Library on Main Street in order to send and to receive e-mails. We located a Historical Kentucky site later; The Henry Clay House. We learned how gas lights work from the use of a fan blowing the fumes of gasoline into a house through underground pipes and thus providing gas to light their lamps. Henry Clay ran for president 3 times only to lose. The interpreter at the site stated that his policy re slavery (liberate) was not popular and is thought to be the reason he lost. Apparently slavery is a topic America is now addressing and is including it in historic tours such as this. This stop was interesting with underground conical roofed stone silos where food and dairy was kept cold all summer preserved on the estate.
Sunday December 4 we travelled to a State Park camp ground outside Nashville TN.
One Interstate exit is starting to look like the last one with fuel and fast fast food signs.
Did our eyes deceive us? ALL YOU CAN EAT QUAIL...$9.95 at the Catfish Kitchen,

We went for supper there Sunday and discovered that quail is only available Wednesday and Thursday nights. We settled for seafood platter and all you can eat fish (catfish). As an entree they served HUSHPUPPIES! (deep fried cornmeal balls with a thick crust) This was an experience and a half, first we did not get any knives to use and most people there ate with their fingers and we have never eaten this much deep fried food at one meal.
This picture is taken Downtown Nashville on a windy and cold day.

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