Fancy German tour bus.

We first noticed this tour bus in Dawson City, we saw it again in Fairbanks and took this picture in Anchorage as these German tourists just completing a 3 week vacation were preparing to catch a flight back home the next day. They traveled seated in the coach part at the front and slept in the compartments with the windows at night. As you can see the storage compartments are opened up and the stove is lit with the driver being the cook and chief bottle washer. He also did the mechanical work on the bus if needed. Click on the picture to enlarge it and note the bus driver behind the woman.
This kind of a unit certainly attracted the attention of everybody in the the RV park. When we saw it in Dawson City we noted that they arrived at 7PM, cooked and ate dinner, had a little time to sightsee, and were gone the next morning at 7AM. It certainly is a long way for them to drive for a 12 hour visit. These people were on a tight schedule and we feel certain that they slept well when they got home. In Anchorage a second bus arrived at our park with more German tourists who had been on the road for a month having boarded the bus in Toronto, Ontario.

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