Horse Chops
When we got back to our RV after our trip to English Harbour and checked in the tourist guides we found that this narrow gravel road was one where people should walk!
We had driven for about two kilometers (no shoulders and no guard rails) along this bumpy road that went along the top of a cliff toward a point, when we decided to turn around when we still could.

We got out of the car to to let Winston have a little exercise and to take in the view. We were surrounded by stunning scenery as we were at least 80 to a 100 feet above the ocean. In the distance we could see a boat near the shore. Using binoculars we realized that this was a whale watching boat. Then we turned our attention to the water and we were in for a treat. With practically an aerial view we watched whales diving, spouting and swimming close to the surface. What a wonderfully un-expected sight as we were in a premier whale watching site and did not know it.

We left uplifted and happy we had taken this road and never did find out what was at the end. We read in the tourist guide that the road we had been on was called the road to HORSE CHOPS. No explanation why it was called that.
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