Destruction and despair...
December 11th we travelled to Slidell, New Orleans back to Bay St. Louis and Gulfport, then north again to Hattiesburg.
A feeling of dread, disorder and despair could be discerned hanging over these areas like a cloud. People seemed to be going about their business and the roads were cleared of debris and of the massive trees that had been blown over but desperation seemed to fill the area.
A feeling of dread, disorder and despair could be discerned hanging over these areas like a cloud. People seemed to be going about their business and the roads were cleared of debris and of the massive trees that had been blown over but desperation seemed to fill the area.

Every place of business and restaurant was advertising for employees yet the jobs were going unfilled in spite of posted signing bonuses from $1000 to $6000 up front. Piles of rubbish lined the streets. Within a couple of blocks from downtown, in a very poor area, a woman barely visible from the rubbish waved at us as we drove by.
The streets were empty and clear of people and traffic in downtown New Orleans. After locating the very prosperous looking church complex in Slidell with which Jannich had been in touch we both felt that somehow this was not the right place for us.

Just 4 blocks away from this church was total destruction: Wreaths hanging from poles marking deaths, battered cars still on the side of the road, clothing hanging from trees, large appliances and office furniture side by side with unrecognizable pieces of houses.
We arrived back at our mobile cabin in the woods feeling quite humbled and unsettled.
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