The present profile picture was taken on New Year's Eve, 1992, in Darrell and Isabel's home in Ottawa.
Jannich and I loved to visit them over the years when they were there
We discovered many different areas downtown that we made our places to revisit.
We both had a love of seeking out unique items, new food, museums, coffee shops, chocolates, book stores and on and on....memories.
The thing that I miss the most is the emotion intimacy that develops with one's best friend over the years.
As of December 17th my internet and telephone service will be discontinued and started again on December 23rd.
I will send individual emails with my new telephone number.
Following is a blog entry from this past August...
I wonder when these awful days will end...
Today, the realization came to me that even with all of the help and the support that my family and my friends give to me I still have to walk that lonely road by myself.
Whether the road winds up or down depends on me.
Today it is uncertain.
Yesterday, December 4th the sale of my house was finalized!
Due to the present market, the amount was not what I wanted but that is OK as we have done well through the years on other sales ie. Victorian Manor.
The realization has been impacted on me that material things do not result in happiness!
Saturday, December 6th a memorial service for all of the loved ones who were committed to the care of the McCulloch-Watson Funeral Home,Durham in 2008 will be held at 7 PM followed by light refreshments.
Four of the Peter/Dewar family are attending.
On the American Thanksgiving weekend in 2005, Jannich and I left Ontario with our new Dodge Ram and RV with nothing but the open road ahead of us and adventure as far as we could see!!!
Jannich has been gone for five months now.
One never knows!
All previous posts
Our photos
Considering the busy lives that most people lead in 2008.... having the great aunts and uncles get together with their extended family in Woodbridge on Sunday was an exceptional feat.
Visiting, catching up, story telling and eating were the chosen activities.
Michelle and Darrell are missing from the photo at the table...they are to the left.
Lots of fun!
Pictures of Bellevue Beach and Bonavista, Newfoundland.-2007
Remembering Darwin...
Years ago, a farmer owned land along the Atlantic seacoast.
Finally, a short, thin man, well past middle age, approached
Although puzzled by this answer, the farmer, desperate for help,
Enraged by the response, the farmer was tempted to fire him on
Nothing could blow away. The farmer then understood what his

This entry was written last December as we waited for more tests.
Remember, we had our fifth wheel parked in D&I's driveway not knowing what direction our uncertain future would take.
We had no house and all of our belongings were stored!
Jannich's death has taught me that we do not take anything with us.
That is easy to say but hard to understand!
Something I felt that day last year....
What is the measure of a man? Presently, that is something that we are considering. What matters? Where are we going? - More hugs, more connection, more deep breathing in of our surroundings- Total connection with our maker- Life is so short! Just a breeze in the wind, a puff of smoke, here today and gone tomorrow.
I grieve today for my beautiful nephew, Darwin, and for the near future of my husband, Jannich.
Darwin went to be with his Lord and Saviour on November 21st, 2007.
His aggressive brain tumor was diagnosed September 7th, 2007.
Darwin, forever young...
( click on Our Photos - page #6 - for Peter family photos of Darwin )
No matter how you feel, get up, dress up and show up.
This advice from the last blog entry was exactly what my family physician told Jannich and me to do several months ago!!!
As he said "You will last longer and have a better quality of life."
After Jannich died, the doctor added, " Go somewhere every day."
Some days I have just driven around the back roads crying, but I went out...