Kingston Titanium Reunion.

Kingston Titanium (trailer) Reunion. was held over the May long weekend in Rideau Acres RV park, Kingston. The weather was cool, the friendships were budding and the park was peaceful and uncrowded. It was quite a sight to watch the various models of "Titanium RVs" being pulled in by heavy duty trucks. The owners, the trailers and their classy dogs could be compared to cruise nights at the A & W. Hose reels, tire brakes and fancy Bar B Ques were the order of the day for discussion.
From a full pancake breakfast, through a communal pot-luck dinner to evening (chilly/cold) gatherings around the campfires , friendships were forged and renewed.
Jannich met a couple from New York state. A stogie smoking inventor holding 2 patents in the field of mechanical engineering and her editor husband left on Sunday for their trek home.
From a full pancake breakfast, through a communal pot-luck dinner to evening (chilly/cold) gatherings around the campfires , friendships were forged and renewed.
Jannich met a couple from New York state. A stogie smoking inventor holding 2 patents in the field of mechanical engineering and her editor husband left on Sunday for their trek home.
A new friendship was developed with Russ and Lesley from Orillia as we talked about the city we still miss. However the city we remember is not the one that exixts now. You can never go back.